Are you hungry baby? I’ve got some really thick meat to feed you. How badly do you want my big dick in your mouth? Let me see how good you are at begging, then maybe your Shemale Phone Sex Mistress will reward you with a mouthful of cum after I shove my cock down your throat. Only my most obedient subs deserve that reward. They beg and do things to please me like massage my feet or draw me a warm bath full of rose petals. Yes honey, I am one of those diva trannies. I like to be spoiled. In fact, as your Tranny Mistress I insist on it. I want a man who knows how to treat a lady with a dick. Flowers, gifts, egift cards, compliments on how sexy I am…and lots and lots of begging to be my cock sucking fuck slave. I know your mouth is watering, sitting there staring at my long, thick, hard cock. Are you dreaming about how sweet my pre-cum is? Can you imagine your mouth full of my load….so warm and sweet and creamy? Now think of how it would feel if I were to shoot my jizz deep in your tight little pucker hole. I would love to have you on all fours so I can see how much my cock stretches your rose bud open for me. I want to know what things you fantasize about when you are daydreaming of your favorite Shemale Mistress. If you are a good subbie slave, I might let you do some of the things you dream about doing to my sexy body. First, you have to earn it my sweet little bitch.
Tag Archives: dominatrix shemale
Shemale Phone Sex Dominatrix
Don’t waste your time calling someone for strap-on roleplay, when you can have a shemale phone sex dominatrix with the real thing! I want to hear you beg me to let you suck my dick so you can feel it get hard in your mouth. I know your mouth is watering just thinking about my pre-cum dripping down the back of your throat. Is your little man’s pussy twitching at the thought of feeling this tranny domme sliding my dick inside you? Don’t expect me to have mercy on your tight little hole just because you’ve never had a dick in you before. I’m a shemale phone sex dominatrix and that means I have total control of how things go, and I can do things as forcefully or gently as I choose. Once you’ve given yourself over to me, you have no say in how I use you to please myself. I may even invite a few of my she-bitch friends over to take turns with you after I’ve had my fill. I love watching one of my subbie bitch-boys getting pounded relentlessly for hours like a well-trained cum whore. It gets me so hard, I may want another go around with you when they are done. This could go on all night. So, you better just accept it right now that you are nothing but a boy toy, and I am going to have the time of my life breaking you in! But let’s be honest–you’re going to love every minute of it too!