K-9 Phone Sex Kayla
A friend of mine came over the other day all flustered, saying he just heard a guy at the bar a group of us like to go to talking about how his girl fucked a dog while he and his friends watched. I told him that sounded hot, and he was like, would you ever do that? I said dude, how could you not get why all our friends call me K-9 Phone Sex Kayla?!? Did you really not know that I’m a doggy dick-lovin’ whore? He looked at me as if he just knew I was lying, so I told him to follow me into the living room. I pushed him down to make him sit on the sofa and put in a DVD from my secret stash. I told him just to sit and watch. He sees a lot of us hanging around partying as one of our friends is walking around recording everybody getting fucked up, including himself. He started getting impatient, and I told him to just fucking watch and shut up.
After about 15 min into the ‘movie,’ he saw a few guys and me in my bedroom with a big German Shepherd that belonged to one of them. Then there’s me taking off my clothes, and like a true K-9 Phone Sex Whore I let the sweet doggy jump up on my bed to start licking me from behind. Then the dog suddenly mounted me and all the guys started rubbing their cocks through their pants, some of the took their cocks out and jerked like crazy. His jaw just dropped. All he could say was how come he never knew this was going on and why wasn’t he allowed to join? Eh, maybe next time. I told him I might even let him watch me suck the dog’s cock. For an entrance fee, of course.