Blackmail Phone Sex

Fetish Phone Sex
Let me explain how this blackmail phone sex thing is going to go. Remember last week when you told the manager that the money bag you were supposed to deposit was stolen and you said it was the new trainee? Well, I know the truth. I saw you take the money from the bag and put it in your duffle bag you douche! Oh and before you deny it and try to get me fired too, I have proof. You didn’t think I would be dumb enough to make such a claim without being able to back it up, did you? Don’t even think of trying to get my phone and destroy it. That won’t help you. Again, how stupid do you think I am? I backed that shit up on my computer and a flash drive dumbass. So here’s how this is going to go. First, you are going to get that poor guy his job back. I don’t care how you do it, but if you don’t, I will happily show our store manager the fun recording I made of you stealing the cash. I mean if the manager was stupid enough to go off of your word and fire that guy, imagine what he will do when he sees actual proof it was you. I hope you find a good boyfriend to protect you in jail, you pathetic lowlife. The next thing you are going to do as my obedient blackmail phone sex bitch, is you are going to give me the money you stole. I deserve it more than you. I work my ass off for chump change, while you sit on your ass doing absolutely nothing. I saw the receipt for the take for the day so don’t try to con me. I want all of it! If you spent any of it, then you can take it out of your paycheck and hand it right over to me. Oh, and speaking of your paycheck. If you want me to keep my video a secret, you will be giving me half of your check every pay period from now on. Even if I quit! I mean really that’s hardly peanuts and a good deal for you considering what I could do to you.